Today is the last day of our monthly partnership with the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts. We want to end it with something that will melt the heart of every dog lover (at DailyArt we are more cat people, but the truth is we love ALL animals). Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the Portrait of an Extraordinary Musical Dog!

Much argument has been made over the meaning of this image. It has been seen as an exemplar of successful spaniel breeding, as a satire on human infant prodigies, or as loyalist propaganda (the music is sometimes identified as “God save the King/Queen”). Without a doubt, however, the artist must have had a strong general appreciation for the remarkable intelligence of dogs, if not a somewhat comic attitude to this “extraordinary” specimen.

Have a great Sunday!

P.S. Craving a pandemic puppy? See dogs in modern art here!

81.6 × 101.6 cm

Virginia Museum of Fine Arts
